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Healing With Water: Why Water is More Amazing Than You Think

By Dr. Christopher Bohyan

July 15, 2022

When most of us think about the idea of healing with water, we are simply acknowledging the fact that water is necessary for life. However, there is a much deeper and more fascinating story behind the science of healing with water.

What is Living Water?

“If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water.” Loren Eiseley, anthropologist

Did you know that water can be living? Which means that it can also be dead? Living water has existed on Earth for millions of years.

When water is in its most life-giving, beneficial form for healing, it has a specific quality studied by a man named Viktor Schauberger back in the early 1900s. Mr. Shauberger, known today as the anti-gravity water wizard, was so intrigued by the behavior of water in the natural world that he created a water-vortexing machine that produced mountain-quality spring water. He thought of water as “the blood of the Earth” and he posited that, while explosions are destructive, water that flows in natural patterns, like whirlpools and eddies, is implosive, and life-building. He inferred that this natural flow process gives water the property of concentrated energy that is then transferred to the human body when it is drunk.

The quality that Mr. Shauberger had intuitively discerned is the crystalline structure that results from water that flows in natural vortex patterns.

Viktor Schauberger, like so many brilliant scientific pioneers of the past, had his work stolen by powerful political parties and died shortly thereafter. That alone should tell us he was onto something!

Other names for this living water have been coined today. They include:

  • Structured water
  • Vortexed water
  • Hexagonal water
  • Crystalline water
  • Coherent water
  • Full-spectrum water
  • EZ (Exclusion Zone) water
  • Negatively charged water
  • H3O2
  • Energized water
  • Revitalized water
  • Colloidal Water
  • The fourth phase of water

Bulk water is the state that the water most people drink is in. It occurs when water sits for long periods and also as a result of unnatural flow patterns such as the 90-degree angles that exist in home water pipes.

Bulk water is characterized by clumping of the molecules, which makes it less bioavailable. In fact, structured water has been shown to provide as much hydration as bulk water with ⅔ less.

The sad truth is that municipal water treatment systems and many other processes (like bottling) literally kill much of our available drinking water.

The Structure of Living Water

Dr. Gerald Pollack is one modern scientist who became as intrigued by water as Viktor Schauberger was. And since he had the means, he began doing laboratory research on what he termed EZ (or exclusion-zone) water.

Dr. Pollack discovered that the physical and chemical properties of EZ water are different from both the solid and liquid forms. EZ water has a negative charge and it is arranged in beautiful hexagonal clusters that are formed of H3O2 molecules. This star-tetrahedral, hexagonal structure makes EZ water the most stable form of this precious life-giving liquid. This stability gives structured water the ability to act as a coherent whole, even though the individual molecules are independent. It’s reminiscent of the school of fish or a group of flying birds that acts as one whole, even though each fish is a separate being.

Dancing with water, an investigation into water’s liquid crystalline phase, coined the term full-spectrum living water because of the spectrum of life-supporting qualities carried by structured, coherent, crystalline water molecules. Their investigation determined that “living water is an organized network that responds to its environment carrying signals and supportive vibratory information to the life forms it supports.”

In other words, living water stores and carries vital information at the molecular level.

This is corroborated by the findings of nobel laureate Dr. Mae Wan Ho, who was able to demonstrate that when structured water is imprinted with the electromagnetic signature of a DNA sequence, it can replicate that sequence with simple building blocks. How amazing is that?

Living Water and The Human Body

“Hydration is not simply about drinking enough water. It’s about getting enough water inside your cells.” …Dr. Zach Bush

Dr. Mu Shik Jhon, another modern water pioneer, presented scientific evidence in his book, The Water Puzzle and the Hexagonal Key, that all biological organisms prefer hexagonally-structured water, and that it is associated with:

  • Enhanced physiological activity
  • Greater metabolic efficiency
  • Heightened immune function
  • Rapid hydration
  • More efficient removal of toxins
  • Better nutrient absorption
  • Longevity
  • Weight loss
  • Greater overall health

Interestingly, aging is in part due to the diminishing presence of hexagonal water within the cells.

All the proteins inside the cells of living organisms are surrounded by structured water. The negatively charged ions that are characteristic of structured water imbue living cells with potential energy. So, without hexagonally structured crystalline water, the cells would have no energy.

Another fascinating discovery is that healthy DNA is surrounded by this fourth phase of water. Structured water facilitates DNA’s stability and integrity by providing it with the ideal structure for optimal functionality.

The H3O2 structure of living water makes it more stable by creating greater molecular coherence. This amplifies water’s natural capacity for storing and delivering information.

Scientists know of no structure in the brain for storing long-term memory. The hippocampus processes short-term memory into long-term memory, but it does not hold that memory once it has been processed. Could it be that our memories are literally held in our cells via the storage medium of structured water? It makes sense when you think about the fact that quartz crystals are used for storing data in computers and other electronic devices to infer that crystalline water is the storage mechanism for cell memory in the human body.

How to Fortify Your Body with Living Water

There are several ways to fortify your body with living, crystalline-structured water. One is to drink green juice. This is essentially drinking EZ water from plants.

Grounding, which happens when you place your bare feet on the earth is another way to structure the water in your cells. This occurs through the transference of negatively charged ions from the earth into your body.

Sunlight will also structure the water in your body. Specifically, infrared light has the strongest effect.

Perhaps the best way to get living water into your cells is to drink it. That means drinking fresh (not bottled) natural spring water or putting your water through a vortexing process before drinking it.

At Advanced Alignment, we have researched and found what we believe is the best system for creating the highest quality structured water. This system not only structures the water but also adds optimal levels of key minerals, along with a few other key processes. It’s the PristineHydro system, and you can find more information about it in our previous blog post linked here.


Being properly hydrated is about more than just drinking enough water. Science has proven what water pioneer Viktor Schauberger intuitively discerned more than 100 years ago, and that is that naturally flowing water has life-giving qualities that bulk, chemically treated, lifeless water does not possess.

Today, there are volumes of scientific studies that back this claim. Living water goes by quite a few different names that have been coined by various researchers and agencies.

In a nutshell, living, hexagonally-structured EZ water is full-spectrum water that nourishes and fortifies all living cells in many profound ways.

Our choice for creating this amazing living water for drinking in your home is the PristineHydro water system.
