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The Effects of Water on Your Body

By: Dr. Christopher Boyhan

August 18, 2022

We all know that water is the stuff of life, but how much do our bodies rely on it? What happens if we don’t drink enough? Turns out, our bodies need consistent hydration to function properly. Otherwise, our cells, organs, blood, digestion, and skin can be severely impacted. From its healing properties to weight loss to even whether the water is clean or dirty – the water we drink and how frequently we drink it dictates nearly the entirety of the health of our bodies.

How Water Heals Our Bodies

There’s a reason doctors tell you to drink lots of fluids when you’re injured or unwell. Water helps thin your blood so nutrients and oxygen can move more easily through your body. This increases the speed and ability of your cells to repair themselves. Water is an integral component in reducing inflammation as well as developing and remodeling scar tissue.

What Drinking Water Does to Your Body

  • Improves your brain function andenergy levels
  • Helps prevent headaches andhangovers
  • Relieves constipation
  • Reduces risk of kidney stones
  • Supports weight loss
  • Reduces stress
  • Helps avoid muscle cramps
  • Helps prevent acne
  • Supports digestion

What Water is the Best to Drink?

Tap Water 

The quality of your tap water depends on where you live and how your governing body regulates it. Typically, tap water is treated with chlorine to kill unwanted bacteria, but it may still contain lead or aluminum. It’s better to filter it yourself first instead of drinking it
straight from the faucet.

Distilled and Reverse Osmosis Water 

The processes that these types of water undergo remove everything from the water, including the good and important minerals your body needs. When drinking it, you’ll want to introduce those minerals to your body through your diet, supplements, mineral drops, or other ways.


Generally considered a “natural” type of water, this term is more of a marketing tactic because bottled water is hardly regulated and many companies don’t use actual spring water. However, if you can locally source clean spring water, you’ll get all the good minerals without the bad – making this one of the best types of water to drink.

Will Drinking Water Help You Lose Weight?

Absolutely! There are many ways drinking water helps you lose weight. It naturally reduces your appetite, increases how many calories you burn, helps remove bodily waste, increases the metabolization of fat and carbs, and boosts your workout routine by providing more energy.

The Foundation of Water for All Life

Like everything else, water is made of atoms. In this case, it’s made of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. It also contains several different elements and minerals that differ depending on where it’s sourced.

What Are the Effects of Unclean Water on Your Body?

When not clean and filtered properly, watercontains tiny worms and harmful bacteria that can cause life-threatening diseases. In fact, water-related disease due to poor water sanitation is the cause of over tens of thousands of child deaths worldwide. Some of the main illnesses unclean water causes are:

  • Cholera
  • Dysentery
  • Infection
  • Anemia
  • Malnutrition
  • Diarrhea

We’ve partnered with PristineHydro to offer a total solution for nutrient-dense water needs.

Regularly drinking clean water that still contains its beneficial properties are crucial to maintaining the health of our bodies. It’s important to know what type of water you’re drinking and how clean it is because of the vital role it plays in our bodily functions. So, next time you’re enjoying a cool swig of water, you’ll know just how much it helps your