Why is water important for your health? A more accurate question is, why is water the FOUNDATION of ALL health, because we couldn’t live without water, as you probably know. For starters, you wouldn’t have blood, sweat, or urine without water because it comprises close to 100 percent of each of those.
How Water Benefits the Body

Let’s take a tour of some of the vital benefits drinking clean, pure water has for your body.
- Why is water important for the brain?
The brain is about 83 percent water, so cognitive function is greatly affected when you are not properly hydrated. That includes thinking and reasoning ability, mood, motor function, short and long-term memory, and attention span. Even slight dehydration has been shown to cause impairment in visual perception, short-term memory, and psychomotor ability.
- Why is water important for the muscles and joints?
Dehydrated muscles cannot bear as much weight, and they cannot move as fast. Joints, which facilitate muscle function also require lubrication in order to operate properly. The joints are actually surrounded by fluid (made primarily of water) that protects and cushions them. This means that joint pain can potentially be mitigated with proper hydration as well. And when you are dehydrated since the body conserves water for the proper functioning of vital organs, muscles are more prone to cramping, and joints are more prone to pain and injury.
- Why is water important for the heart?
Since the heart is a muscle, when you are properly hydrated, the heart does not have to work as hard to pump blood. Another important point is that blood plasma is composed primarily of water.
- Why is water important for digestion and nutrient absorption?
Water is instrumental in breaking down the foods you eat into digestible components so your body is able to absorb nutrients more efficiently. It is also an important constituent of stool. Dehydration can cause constipation and it also contributes to less-than-optimal nutrient absorption in the small and large intestines.
- Why is water important for the kidneys and urinary tract?
Urine is composed primarily of water (95%), and the kidneys work in conjunction with the urinary tract to eliminate waste and remove bacteria and toxins from the body. For this reason, dehydration is a contributing factor to urinary tract infections as well as the formation of kidney stones.
- Why is water important for the liver?
By helping the kidneys to function properly, and by flushing liver tissues, water aids the liver in the detoxification process as well.
- Why is water important for the gall bladder?
Water works in the gall bladder in much the same way as it does in the kidneys and liver to flush out toxins and help prevent gallstones from forming.
- Water contributes to the vibrancy and health of your skin.
Since skin is comprised of about 30 percent water, when you are dehydrated, the elasticity, plumpness, and resiliency of the skin are reduced. This increases the appearance of lines and wrinkles.
- Why is water important for controlling and losing weight?
It has been found that staying hydrated contributed to a significant loss of body weight and fat in overweight, dieting women, regardless of diet and activity. In addition, replacing soft drinks and other liquids with water is a good way to cut out unhealthy calories.
Everyday Options for Drinking Water
Now that you have an understanding of just how instrumental proper hydration is in maintaining optimal function of your body’s systems, you understand why drinking pure, clean water is so important. Let’s explore some of the different sources of water that are available today.

- Tap water
While tap water is available to most of us, it is not the ideal way to keep yourself hydrated. Tap water is acidic and lifeless and most (if not all) sources are high in contaminants including chlorine and fluoride. Appallingly, some tap water regulations have not been updated in more than 50 years! Here is a great resource for more information and for determining the degrees of varying contaminants of the tap water in your area.
- Well water
Well water can potentially be a better source than tap water because it has not been adulterated by the addition of chlorine and/or fluoride. There are factors that can affect the quality of well water though, such as depth (deeper wells tend to have a higher percentage of beneficial minerals and less contamination. Beneficial minerals impart a higher pH, which causes water to be alkaline, which is preferable). Other contributors to the state of well water include location, age, how it is constructed, how well it has been maintained, where the water comes from, and what types of activities in the area could potentially affect water quality. No matter what, you should have your well water tested annually for pesticides, heavy metals, other contaminants, and pH levels.
- Spring water
Spring water can be a healthier option depending on the source. It’s a good idea to test it if you aren’t sure what is in it, but it likely contains beneficial trace minerals since it has not undergone filtration techniques that remove them, and sediment and other contaminants have been naturally filtered out. It also does not contain the harmful additives of chlorine and fluoride. Knowing the exact constituents and pH of spring water would require testing.
- Filtered water
Filtered water is generally a healthier option than tap water. However, there is a wide range of filtration processes. Some filters only filter out large sediment and particulates. Others tackle chlorine in an effort to eliminate the unpleasant taste and odor, while some others filter out heavy metals and other types of undesirable substances like fluoride. It’s important to know what chemicals or substances are present in your water source before you make a decision about the type of filter to invest in.
- Bottled water
Bottled water has a wide range of qualities as well. Most bottled water is filtered in some way. And while most bottled water does not contain chlorine or fluoride, which is a good thing, other possible additives and/or contaminants may vary depending on factors such as the source (whether it is spring water or not), processing (how it is filtered, purified or enhanced). The biggest drawback of bottled water is that it is unregulated. That means you really have no idea what you’re getting. Also, most bottled water comes in plastic bottles. Recent studies have shown more than 24,500 chemicals in plastic-bottled water. Plastic is also harmful to the environment. For these reasons alone, we do not recommend drinking bottled water.
- Distilled water
Distilled water has undergone a purification process that removes most if not all minerals, salts, and other organic material. While it is free of contaminants, it also lacks beneficial minerals and electrolytes such as calcium, sodium, potassium, and magnesium. Distilled water is also slightly acidic which is not ideal, and it is also usually sold in plastic bottles or jugs, which is not desirable for the reasons mentioned above.
PristineHydro: Get Yourself the BEST Water System
Since we are passionate about the great importance of drinking pure, clean, high-quality alkaline water here at Advanced Alignment, we have done extensive research to find what we believe to be the BEST water purification system out there. It’s called Pristine Hydro.
Acids, which are liquids and gases, pass-through Reverse Osmosis Membranes ending up in the product water you drink. Ionizers remove acids by disrupting the water with electrolysis which also removes the beneficial silicic acid. PristineHydro removes harmful acids while allowing silicic acid to pass through. This sets a new standard for alkaline water.
There should be no acceptable limit for harmful contaminants in the water you drink. By utilizing the best available technologies, High Efficiency Reverse Osmosis, and our Proprietary Dual Deionization process we are able to achieve 100% elimination of undesirable contaminants. Lab Verified!
Pure water doesn’t really exist in nature. Our drinking water should contain beneficial ions known as electrolyte salts (bicarbonates) chloride, and silicic acid. This gives our water its clean refreshing taste and light body.
How does the PristineHydro Unique Process work?

This high-capacity filter removes dust, particulates, and rust sediments measuring over 5 microns from the water. Made of 100% pure polypropylene fibers.
KDF Increases the life of activated carbon by 4-5 times. Reduces chlorine, heavy metals, and bacteria. CARBON: Reduces turbidity, chlorine, chloramines, organic contaminants, pesticides, and chemicals.
Utilizing an ECO friendly 1:1 waste to recovery process, this stage removes undesirable contaminants and pollutants down to .001 microns in size (by comparison, the size of most bacteria is about .5 microns / virus about .05 microns). However, RO does not remove acids (which are liquids and gasses) i.e. sulfuric and nitric acids (acid rain), hydrofluorosilicic acid (industrial waste fluoride), hypochlorous and hydrochloric acids (chlorine reactions), haloacetic acid (chlorine and bromine reactions). If you do not remove the acids, you will drink them. NOT GOOD!
Two Unique Proprietary Laboratory Grade Cation and Anion Resin Filters remove the remaining trace contaminants (i.e. heavy metals) as well as all the invasive bad acids that pass-through STAGE 4.
In this stage the number of beneficial ions is increased in the water. This results in a high pH and a low controlled TDS comprised of magnesium bicarbonate with traces* of calcium and sodium bicarbonate, as well as silica and chloride.
Enhances flavor and removes odors while polishing the water to perfection. This carbon filter is made from coconut shell that has undergone a steam activation process to create its activated carbon form with micro-pores. During activation, it creates millions of pores at the surface of the carbon, thus increasing the total surface area.
In this final stage the water is run over lodestones and quartz crystals simulating the properties of a living stream. This naturally restructures, recharges, and reprograms what was once damaged water into the purest water on planet Earth since The Industrial Revolution.
*Trace minerals as well as their values will vary with various source water chemistry.
NOT JUST ALKALINE [because that’s not what is most important!]
There must be sufficient alkaline minerals in the water we drink! The trick is getting these minerals in clean water.
The primary alkaline minerals in nature’s original water formula are calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium bicarbonate electrolyte salts (calcium and magnesium bicarbonate are complex hydrate salts that only exist in liquid form).
“Alkaline Water” has become the latest marketing buzzword word for bottled water and water filtration system companies. What consumers don’t understand is that you can “alkalize” dirty water by just adding alkaline metals to the water. In other words, saying a water is “alkaline” does NOT necessarily mean the water is 100% free of harmful acids and contaminants.
Our filtration process first eliminates contaminants AND harmful acids like Acid-Rain before properly remineralizing the water.
Magnesium Bicarbonate
Magnesium bicarbonate is a complex hydrated salt only found in liquid form, it is naturally present in pristine drinking water, and it is not found in any food. It is impossible to get MAGNESIUM BICARBONATE through eating food.
- Magnesium Improves Overall Health
Magnesium is needed for many biochemical reactions in the body. It helps to maintain normal nerve and muscle function, supports a healthy immune system, keeps the heart beat steady, and helps bones remain strong. It also helps regulate blood glucose levels and aid in the production of energy and protein.
- Magnesium Removes Toxins
Sufficient magnesium levels lead to safer detoxification and chelation [the bonding of ions and molecules to metal ions which help remove toxins from the body. ]; in fact, it makes chelation possible. Also, bicarbonate salts safely and effectively help buffer excess acids from the body.
Needless to say, magnesium is extremely important for the body to function optimally.
Magnesium bicarbonate is absorbed with water into the bloodstream through the small intestine. Man-made magnesium compounds do not naturally address a deficiency. Metal magnesium supplements are not properly absorbed and utilized by the body and will end up in the toilet.
To get your own PristineHydro system to get your body on track and your health in your own hands:
Contact now for a consultation!
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