Nerve Flow
Structural Correction Chiropractic Care
This is fixing the underlying foundation getting spines back to their normal structure. At its very foundation, chiropractic treatment helps improve nervous system function by making adjustments to the spine. Studies prove that it is extremely effective and as a result, many health conditions are improved and even healed completely.
This type of care is for anyone that’s tired of constantly taking care of symptoms and not getting to the core of the issue. We provide a long-term solution!
The nervous system is a complex network of nerves, the spinal cord and the brain that reach and affect every part of the body. The core of the nervous system is the spinal cord which receives and transmits information in the body.What’s a Structure Shift?
Abnormal shifts or deviations within the inner framework of the body may be the true underlying cause of symptoms to show up (known as Secondary Conditions, see more below).
While no one has a structurally perfect spine, there 100% is a NORMAL range. We all know that the human body has a normal temperature, a normal range for blood pressure, normal eyesight, but most are unaware that this applies to the inner framework of the body, too.
When the spine is out of the normal range there are strong indicators that can tell Dr. Boyhan exactly what the underlying issues are and what to shift-- this is a Structural Shift.
Advanced Alignment focuses on detecting and correcting using the Structure Shifts so that your body can heal on its own and you can live symptom-free.
Once the foundation has been fixed, Dr. Boyhan and his team will guide you on how to keep the spine in alignment.It's Much More Than Just Your Posture!
Abnormal shifts or deviations within the inner framework of the body may be the true underlying cause of these common Secondary Conditions (the symptoms and indicators that something more is going on within the body):
Neck and Back Pain
Sciatica and Hip Pain
Numbness and Tingling
Muscular Spasm and Tension
Headaches (Including Migraine)
Pinched Nerve (N.I.S)
Herniated Disc
Degenerative Joint Disease
Decreased Range of Motion
Poor Posture
Dizziness / Vertigo
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
A Doctor of Chiropractic who focuses on these abnormal spinal deviations can work with you so that those little “once in while” issues don’t turn into major debilitating conditions.
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